Paris Art Tour

From the food to the fashion, to art and design, Paris is inspiring.

As many of you may know, I have been spending a lot of time in Paris lately, and it has become to be my happy place. 

The Rothko exhibit at Foundation Louis Vuitton was jaw dropping. The iconic color field works may to seem simplistic to some but its so layered and complex. I got many color ideas for upcoming projects from this visit.

What I had never seen before seen was Rothko’s early work, before the color field series. I was fascinated to see the likeness to Picasso and even Miro and their abstract expressionist work. I was really drawn to these early works.

Bourse de Commerce is not to be missed.

Francois Pinault rotates works from artists that he has collected over the last 50 years and his eye is unmatched. The 1812 Bourse with its gigantic skylight was transformed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando in 2021.  

It’s a feast for the eyes, seing the old and new come together.

Mike Kelley’s ‘Ghost and Spirit’ immersive exhibit is a highlight.

And what I found incredibly moving are works by Mira Schor and Edith Dekyndt.

 “…Loose arrangements of domestic objects (broken, fallen, collected, recovered, posed, covered, repaired, immersed, hung, suspended, floating, or otherwise) that recall the tradition of the theatre of objects, among other things. “These scenes, at once silent and alive, immobile and energetic, in which time is suspended, disconcert us in the same way that the artist was moved when she discovered Vermeer’s paintings in her twenties.”

- Excerpt on the exhibition of Edith Dekynd, closing on Jan 19, 2024.


This first-ever exhibition in France features works on rice paper made by Schor in the second half of the 1970s along with a recent painting made in 2022. With their fragile, solitary presence, the masks and dresses are covered with highly personal, handwritten texts about her dreams and her interpretations of them, along with reflections on the Holocaust, to which she lost some of her family, and political writings.”

- Excerpt on the exhibition of Mira Schor, closing Jan 22, 2024.


Also, I managed to find time for the Biennale de Paris which was just about the best art and design curation I have ever seen.

I’ve been told by a new friend that the Iris Van Herpen exhibit is extraordinary. I will check it out during my January trip….


Where to Shop ~ Paris